Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Will this affect my chances of becoming a police officer?

I received two tickets in 2009. One was for driving with expired registration. The other was a seatbelt ticket. I had every intention on paying them, but it was too much. I was stupid and didn't realize that I had to appear in court if I couldn't pay the ticket so I did not got o court. So now my drivers licence is suspended for failure to appear, and my fines are up to 3,121 dollars. I'm currently in college studying criminal justice. I have no money, or these would have been paid a long time ago. I will pay them off, as soon as I get the money. But will thus affect my chances? Also. I was a victim of idenity theft when I was 13 by my moms ex husband so my credit is shot to hell We fought for a while, and went to court but nothing happened. when I was 16 I decided **** it. No more court, no more yelling at my step dad, just whatever.

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